
Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Garlic Preparation Tips

Garlic is indispensable in the pantry, but it can be tough to peel and chop. One of the best methods for preparing it is to slightly crush the cloves with the flat side of a knife. If you use chopped garlic often, spend a few minutes peeling a couple of whole heads of garlic, and chop in the food processor for just a minute or two. Store-bought chopped garlic is often preserved in phosphoric acid and water, which gives it a diluted flavor, but chopping your own and storing it in the fridge will give you all the convenience and flavor. If you find yourself with extra peeled garlic, put the cloves into a pot and cover with canola oil. Then stir once, cover, and cook on high until the garlic starts to brown. Remove from heat (the garlic will continue to cook in the hot oil) and drain, reserving the oil. Now you’ve got rich garlic oil and fresh roasted garlic.

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