
Tuesday, February 27, 2007

10 Motivational Tips

by Debbie Hickey, B.A., CPT/LWMC ACEWellness Coach
According to the National Center for Health Statistics, 63 percent of Americans believe that exercising will make them healthier, leaner and reduce stress. Yet only 19 percent of the population engages in regular physical activity. Why the disparity? Lack of motivation.
Even those of us who exercise regularly can get off track if we don’t find new ways to challenge ourselves. Performing the same old routine week in and week out gets boring fast. Here are my top 10 tips for adding some excitement to your workouts:
1. Test yourself! There is nothing more motivating than seeing those numbers and realizing that slacking off has given rise to your body fat percentage, increased your weight, raised your blood pressure, increased your resting heart rate, and so on. Schedule a follow up test in 12 weeks to keep you on track with your workouts. eFitness members can track their progress on the My Measurements page.
2. No excuses. On the first of each month, sit down with your planner, Palm Pilot, etc. and schedule your workouts for the entire month. Consider any obstacles that may crop up and prepare strategies to overcome them, i.e., inclement weather, unexpected business or family obligations.
3. A great investment tip. Invest in your health. If you work out at home, consider joining a local health club for variety. If this isn't in your budget, treat yourself to a cool new gadget. Some of the top picks include:
a. BOSU (both sides up) -- This core stability training device is used by professional sports and Olympic teams.
b. Heart rate monitor -- A heart rate monitor helps you track endurance, performance, recovery, strength and interval workouts for maximum results.
c. Reebok coreboard -- The Reebok coreboard will improve functional conditioning, reactive movement, balance, agility and coordination.
d. Bike trainer -- A bike trainer allows you to turn any outdoor bicycle into an indoor stationary bike. No more excuses about the weather!
4. Hey buddy! Working out with a buddy holds you accountable for showing up and doing your best. Find someone who works out at the same level or even a little higher than your current level of fitness. If you already have a workout buddy and find that familiarity has become a breeding ground for excuses, seek a new workout buddy every few months.
5. Team player. Find a local sports group or event to train for. Whether it’s tennis, baseball, basketball, a 10K, half marathon, triathlon, etc., training for a specific sport or event enhances the meaning of your workouts and boosts motivation to new levels. Check out for team and individual events in your area. Or perhaps your favorite charity hosts an event that you would like to participate in -- it’s a win/win situation.
6. It’s a safe bet. Challenge one of your not-so-best-friend neighbors or co-workers to a contest as to who will lose 10 pounds or decrease their body fat by 5 percent first. Set a deadline and decide upon the wager. It could be cash, dinner, tickets to a game, he mows your lawn for a month, etc. Make it good because you WILL be the ultimate winner.
7. Burn, baby, burn! CDs that is. Make a list of the music that motivates you the most and then burn a CD with all your favorites. Studies show that individuals who work out to their favorite music do so longer and more intensely than those who do not. If you're outside, please be aware of your surroundings at all times. It’s easy to get caught up in the music and forget where you are.
8. Goal! Be goal-oriented. Placing your goals in plain sight so that you can glance at them daily is a great way to stay motivated and focused on the end result. Tape them to your bathroom mirror, fridge, enter them as your computer’s screen saver -- anywhere that you will notice them throughout the day.
9. Variety is the spice of life. Having a set routine when it comes to scheduling your workouts is great. Having a routine workout isn't. Doing the same thing all the time gets tedious, right? Cross-training not only helps alleviate boredom but keeps your body adapting and changing. You can cross-train in different ways.
a. Incorporate different activities into your fitness regimen, i.e., jog Monday, bike Wednesday and swim Friday
b. Vary the pace and terrain, i.e., fast walk/jog on a flat surface Tuesday, slower walk up and down hills Thursday, intervals Saturday
c. Use different equipment, i.e., gym machines one day, free weights the next
10. Member Boards. Check out the boards to share ideas, talk openly about health issues, brag and everything in between. It’s the perfect place to find a fitness buddy, motivation and inspiration. You can talk to someone around the corner or halfway around the world.
Whether you use one of these tips or all of them, they are guaranteed to help you stay on track as you strive to reach your health and fitness goals. Remember, your objective is to make fitness a permanent part of your life so that you can add years to your life and life to your years.

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